Environmental Policy Statement
WhitCo Catering & Bakery Equipment Ltd recognises that our operations may have an effect on the local, regional and global environment, and as a consequence of this the Company is committed to providing a quality service in a manner that minimises our potential impact on the environment. We will:
- Comply with all environmental legislation and approved Codes of Practice that affect our core business
- We will continuously review legislation and Code of Practices
- Reduce waste through reuse and recycling
- Where appropriate we will recycle paper and all other office waste
- Where appropriate we will reuse paper, files, etc
- Train, educate and inform our employees about environmental issues that affect our work
- Purchase and use environmentally friendly products where possible and appropriate
- Promote efficient use of office resources including water, electricity, and the like
- We will turn off lights when not needed
- We will ensure computers and all office electrical equipment is turned off during non-working hours
- We will limit document production and use electronic transfer of documents where possible
- We will turn down heating systems when appropriate
- Reduce use of fuel consumption and lower exhaust emissions by the development of an environmentally friendly transport policy
- We will try and co-ordinate all meetings to minimise excessive travelling
- Where appropriate we will reduce attendance at meetings by the use of technology
- Where possible we will work with local suppliers
- Strive to continually improve our environmental performance
- Monitor progress and review environmental performance on a regular basis
- Where possible we will try and influence the use of environmentally friendly products
- Work closely with key clients to ensure our services reflects their environmental requirements and needs.