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Our September and October events at WhitCo HQ

September: #Environmental
October: #FoodAllergens and #Intolerances

We invite commercial kitchen equipment manufacturers, suppliers, and specialist consultants to share their innovative products and services that contribute to a greener planet and support caterers in serving the growing number of individuals with food allergies and intolerances.

This month, we’re focusing on the materials used in construction, energy consumption, alternative energy sources, eco-friendly products, food and packaging waste, reusables, recycled materials, pollution reduction (air, waterways, etc.), and sustainable construction methods. As manufacturers of kitchen and restaurant spaces, we are keen to learn from suppliers and designers who are revolutionizing traditional foodservice and hospitality spaces. We’re looking to explore new materials, construction techniques, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and waste recycling. Send your details to and quote “Altogether Greener September.”

#FoodAllergies and #FoodIntolerances. Since the legislation changes in 2011, what has evolved? While I have a personal interest in this subject, our goal is to gather insights from manufacturers, suppliers, consultants, food producers, caterers, and associations. Help us expand our knowledge bank. Contact us at and quote “Purple October.”

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